Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project

Palmdale Water District

About This Project

The Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Project will deliver water from the California Aqueduct to a new recharge basin on undeveloped 160-acre site in northeast Palmdale. Recycled water produced locally from the Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant, is another source that will be available year-round for groundwater recharge.

K&A managed the preparation and implementation of a strategic communications plan to support the public participation requirements for completing the EIR, including assisting with the CEQA review process by coordinating and facilitating scoping meetings, working with the environmental consultant to ensure thorough and complete notifications and advertisements, creating fact sheets and informational materials in English and Spanish about the project purpose and need, and environmental impact report process; and conducting dry-runs with technical team members to prepare for stakeholder interactions and questions.

Water, Water Reuse