Las Virgenes – Triunfo Pure Water Project

Las Virgenes Municipal Water District

About This Project

The Las Virgenes – Triunfo Joint Powers Authority (JPA) is planning to expand its efforts to beneficially use recycled water to improve local water supply reliability and drought resilience, and effectively eliminate discharges to Malibu Creek during non-irrigation seasons. As part of a robust, 18-month stakeholder participation process, the JPA evaluated a number of options with the top two options including indirect potable reuse using advanced purification followed by discharge to the Las Virgenes Reservoir, and repurposing the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Encino Reservoir for recycled water storage.

With the top two alternatives identified, Katz & Associates was asked to develop and implement a communication program to raise awareness about the purpose, need, and alternatives under study, as well as to brand the main option selected by the JPA board for additional study.

Community Outreach / Public Participation, Strategic Communications Planning, Water, Water Reuse