Our team’s approach to facilitation is anchored by our belief that doing good public outreach results in better and more sustainable decisions. We adhere to the International Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) Seven Core Values for public participation. When engaging the public, we encourage a quality, proactive and transparent communication process.
Our facilitators are scrupulous in their ethical conduct and ensure that they both act and are perceived as the “honest broker” they are intended to be, and without which they cannot function effectively in their capacity as a facilitator. We also match our facilitation style to the nature of the engagement and the behavior of the participants, varying in our flexibility or firmness as required.
From public meetings to advisory groups, scoping meetings and public hearings, we have facilitated a variety of meeting formats. Our facilitators provide the basics and functions needed for expert facilitation, including assistance with developing the meeting agenda – to include identifying the meeting’s purpose and objective, goals, and topics for discussion – managing group dynamics, developing and enforcing ground rules, timekeeping, ensuring input is captured effectively, and documenting action items and follow-up tasks.