27 Mar Miramar Pipeline Construction Comes to a Close

You’re late for work. You forgot your coffee. And now you see orange construction cones up ahead.
Construction zones are an unavoidable part of life, popping up at what commuters may feel to be the most inopportune times and impacting the surrounding community in foreseeable and unforeseeable ways. That’s why our construction relations specialists at Katz & Associates approach each project uniquely, tailoring our proven methods and tactics to ensure the public stays informed and involved throughout the lifespan of the construction project.
Over the past two years, construction activities for the U.S. Navy’s Miramar Fuel Pipeline Repair and Relocation Project have impacted portions of Rosecrans Street in San Diego’s Point Loma neighborhood, from dense residential and business areas to a waterfront walking trail. For residents and businesses, construction impacts were expected to be more varied than the usual traffic and detour impacts commuters experience when driving through a construction zone. The Navy recognized the need for construction relations and engaged Katz & Associates from the very beginning to ensure that the public was kept notified, responded to, and involved throughout the project.
Katz & Associates worked with the Navy to develop a comprehensive public outreach program at the onset of the project to inform neighboring residents, businesses, community groups, elected officials and other stakeholders, including commuters, about the need for the project and the expected impacts during construction, such as driveway closures, street resurfacing and construction noise. The construction schedule and potential impacts were communicated early to the surrounding community and stakeholders, and complaints, concerns and emergency situations were responded to in a timely manner.
Katz & Associates and the Navy listened to the public’s concerns and implemented a variety of public outreach methods best suited for the area, from posting door-to-door notifications to sending email notices and holding community meetings, to providing updates on social media.
We can’t block out the construction noise for you, but we can make the experience as painless as possible by ensuring you’re aware of and prepared for it, every step of the way.