09 Apr Q1 Client Events
2019 started with a plethora of events for our clients that has kept the K&A team busy.

K&A supported public meetings for the U.S. Navy’s Patuxent River Complex (PRC) Training and Testing Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) along the East Coast. As part of the project, The Navy is preparing an EIS that will assess the potential impacts on the community and environment from continued military testing and training activities within the PRC to meet current and projected military readiness requirements.

We helped San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) plan and execute the Geary Groundbreaking on Wednesday, March 6, to kick off construction for the Geary Rapid Project, which aims to improve one of San Francisco’s busiest corridors. StreetsBlogSF, SFBay.ca.

From pole installations to rail car builds and plenty of boots on the ground, we are thrilled to lead the outreach for Caltrain Electrification, part of the CalMod program that will upgrade the performance, efficiency, capacity, safety and reliability of Caltrain’s service. Since the program began in 2017, we’ve conducted more than 60 public meetings in 14 cities along the 51-mile Bay Area Peninsula from San Francisco to San Jose to keep communities informed of the progress and activities in their neighborhoods. Recent meetings have focused on the construction of 10 traction power facilities which have the potential to be one of the more intrusive aspects of the project.

We welcomed 140 plus contractors to the Pure Water San Diego Contractor EXPO to learn about upcoming bid opportunities for the Phase 1 projects and the #Path2PureWater. Attendees had the opportunity to speak with project team members and network with other contractors.

Our client, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), asked Account Supervisor Alex Shoor to facilitate five public meetings to ensure a productive conversation between the community and VTA. The meetings allowed the community to voice concerns and ask questions about changes to VTA’s transit service, and an opportunity for VTA transit planners to hear ideas from their customers.

Our Policy & Planning team supported a public meeting for the U.S. Navy’s Miramar Pipeline Project. The Navy is preparing an Environmental Assessment to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with relocating two segments of the Miramar fuel pipeline from the current alignment in Clairemont Mesa to nearby City of San Diego rights-of-way. The meeting gave attendees an opportunity to learn more about the proposed project, ask questions and submit comments. ABC News 10 San Diego.

K&A helped our client, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, deliver the first two community engagement events for the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study. The long-term health study is in response to a settlement with Southern California Gas Company for the 2015 natural gas leak at the Aliso Canyon storage facility which flowed for 88 days. The four-month long disaster led to numerous complaints of illness and the displacement of over 20,000 residents from their homes. Many residents reported ongoing health problems after returning home from relocation and expressed concerns about potential long-term health effects related to the gas leak. Southern California Gas Company has been ordered to provide $25 million in funding to conduct a long-term health study which Public Health will oversee.

Early in the morning on March 29, local San Diego leaders gathered to celebrate the Mid-Coast Trolley’s construction halfway point by serving breakfast to construction crews working on the project. The event was held at the construction staging yard near the future Voigt Drive Trolley station, where workers gather for their morning briefings. K&A coordinated the event for our client. Many workers in attendance commented on this being the largest and most significant project of their careers. CBS 8 News.