24 Sep Q3 Conference Activities

From spearheading a homebrew competition using purified recycled water, to providing one-on-one media training to agency representatives, our teams in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco have been busy showcasing the firm and our clients at several industry conferences throughout the U.S. Here’s a recap of what we’ve been up to.
2019 WateReuse Association Symposium
Pure Water San Diego ‘Pure Brew SD’ Homebrew Competition

As part of the WateReuse Association Symposium, our Pure Water San Diego outreach team hosted the second Pure Brew SD competition at the Maritime Museum of San Diego on September 11. Attendees had the opportunity to sample ten beers made by local homebrewers using water from the Pure Water Demonstration Facility and vote for their favorites. The first-place winner was a specialty IPA and received more than 100 votes!
Pure Water San Diego Partnership with
Bird Rock Coffee Roasters

During the conference, our Pure Water San Diego team was brewing more than just beer to showcase the potential of purified recycled water. Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, a San Diego coffee shop that specializes in local, sustainable coffee, offered a special brew using water from the Pure Water Demonstration Facility. More than 150 conference attendees had the opportunity to enjoy coffee made with the water of San Diego’s future!
Path to Pure Water San Diego: California’s First Surface Water Augmentation Project

A five-speaker panel consisting of our Founder/CEO Sara Katz; Jeff Pasek, City of San Diego Public Utilities Project Manager; Juan Guerreiro, City of San Diego Public Utilities Assistant Director; Doug Owen, Pure Water Consultant Program Manager; and Shane Trussell, President of Trussell Technologies held a conference session discussing San Diego’s path to pure water. The panel discussed regulatory approvals, community and stakeholder engagement, the importance of a demonstration facility, operator readiness and getting to construction!
2019 International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) National Conference

Director Tania Fragomeno and Account Supervisor Emily Michaelson attended the 2019 International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) National Conference in Charlotte on September 4-6. During the conference, they had the opportunity to network with other public participation practitioners from across the United States and Canada! Tania also led a conference session that discussed how to stick up for your well-thought-out P2 process and how to get good process back on track after others derail your strategy and mandate certain techniques be implemented.
California Association of Sanitation Agencies Media Training
Vice President Karen Snyder attended the 2019 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) conference on August 21-23 in San Diego. At the conference, Karen had the opportunity to provide one-on-one media training to several conference attendees. Want to learn more about our media training services and how it can be beneficial to your agency? Click here.
2019 American Planning Association
California Conference
Is gamification the future of innovation in engagement? Joe Clayton, Deputy Director Los Angeles, co-presented at the 2019 American Planning Association California Conference with leading video game designer Jason Haber, transport planner Coire Reilly and planner Della Acosta. Dozens of California’s top planning experts heard about and got the chance to practice how to use games to enhance public engagement. From simple card, dice and board games through to tailored apps, gamification can help agencies expand their reach beyond the usual loud voices. If you’re interested in exploring how gamification can help your agency drive behavioral change or gather rich, qualitative and quantitative public input, contact us today!
Join us at the Mobility 21 Summit on Friday, September 24 in Anaheim and the American Water Works Association CA/NV Section Conference on October 21-24 in San Diego!